About the Architecture of Emotions that Drives the Path to Success with Alina Vîlcu
I have known Alina for over 20 years, and we have been friends since then. I don't believe I know any other woman who is as passionate about everything she does. Whether it's kite surfing, yoga, advertising, or architecture, she always takes it to the next level. I've always been fascinated by her ability to fully immerse herself in life, and I can't recall having a conversation with her that didn't leave me with an important message to ponder. I hope you'll find the same inspiration from her as well!
As a co-founder of Inside Academy and the Design Stories podcast, and the owner of Piano: Terra, you are involved in various aspects of design and architecture. What inspired you to pursue these ventures and spread your passion for design? And what is your ultimate goal?
What inspired me? Good question, that made me realise that nothing INSPIRED me (as a past specific event); inspiration for me is a process, not a solo AHA moment, but rather belongs to the present. It is a flow of small, "ordinary" experiences that work together and, slowly, slowly are making possible the manifestation of what I am now. Life treated me in a fluid and organic way; I started everything with super small baby steps, and many of the "ventures" found me rather than me bumping into them. I started the studio in my struggle to find a new career path, without any vision or grandiose strategy. Inside Academy also began as an experiment, as well as Design Stories. They were the kind of things you just do, without knowing where they may take you. But, to be honest, speaking of my role as a teacher and "design" voice, for several years I have had this urge to share, to express my stories, my findings, my mistakes with others. I guess this is how Inside Academy and Design Stories really coagulated; not to forget I have a partner, Omid, probably driven by the same inner voices, so synergy fuelled us.
How has your experience in architecture, advertising, and "Visuri la cheie"/"Extreme Makeover Home Edition" influenced your approach to design and the way you communicate with your audience?
My approach to design was influenced dramatically while communicating with the audience, none. Actually, there is no audience for me; I don't necessarily identify this in people I talk to. For me, I communicate almost equally openly and genuinely (with all my highs and lows) to friends, family, people who follow me on Instagram, colleagues, or clients. Of course, there are things I keep for myself or for an intimate "audience" (like my therapist), but generally, I express parts of my inner voice, my beliefs, my likes, my dislikes honestly throughout. I never watched the show; I did it in the beginning until I realized that my job, my "voice" was becoming more acting and less the real me. So then I decided that my job at this show was ending exactly when we finished the house and moved the family in. That was it, no TV or scripted nonsense.
As for my design, it was a big turn because I had several important realizations:
- You get more creative, the more scarce the resources are and the more time pressure you have (of course, on the short term).
- Magical and unexpected results appear when you really work as a team, open to one another, ask for help, and offer help.
- Good design can change lives.
Can you tell us more about your podcast, Design Stories, and its aim to share the stories of people passionate about design? What motivated you to start a podcast?
Absolutely 😊! We love this new "baby" because it represents our deepest desire now: to share. Design Stories is all about sharing stories about design from meaningful people. What motivated us? Exactly this urge to share, to express to a larger audience what design can do. Do you know what design can do? Well, it can change lives, reengineer one's interior, and so much more.
What are some of the activities or hobbies that bring you joy and allow you to recharge creatively? How do these activities contribute to your overall well-being?
I love to walk outside with my dog every morning; that's the routine that fills my energy tank. Then, whenever I can, I do sports outdoors, depending on the season: skiing in winter and kitesurfing in the summer. Both sports keep me anchored in the present, fill me with joy, and quiet the usual noise in my mind. It is liberating to me.
Afterwards, I engage in a daily yoga practice (not much, maybe 15-20 minutes of asanas), followed by a short breathing practice and a seated meditation in silence. That's my well-being hygiene, along with daily cold showers, regular yoga nidra sessions, body therapy (massage, fascia therapy, etc.), and spending time with my tribe - friends and family.
How do you balance your personal life, including being a mother, wife, and family member, with your career, your passion for design, and hobbies? Do you have any tips for maintaining that balance?
There is no balance, as it is one life... with different stages, but one script. My work team is like family, and my family is involved in my work decisions... and so it goes; I keep everything integrated. I love my work, and I don't feel it's a separate plan.
Tips... hmm... always find the human connection behind any job you have, and that will make the job meaningful.
Can you share an experience or moment when you felt overwhelmed or frustrated, and how you navigated through those feelings to find gratitude and joy in life?
Many times I have felt like this, and I will probably feel that way again; it's hard to give specific examples since it's about some inner mechanisms, not necessarily related to external events. I'm currently in a healing process, dealing with issues from my early childhood, and I've had some really tough moments when I felt hopeless, desperate, and extremely furious with myself. There's no way one can easily find gratitude in those moments. That is simply not realistic.
During those times, I kept breathing, trying to have faith in whatever process I was going through, and working with my therapist. Slowly, all the monsters within me faded. Gradually, moments of joy arrived, and glimpses of gratitude followed. You cannot force joy, gratitude, or love to emerge instantly; they come in their own time.
Nature and the sea seem to hold a special place in your heart. How does your love for nature and your environmentalist mindset influence your design projects and choices?
I incorporate natural materials and passive or NZEB (Nearly Zero Energy Building) house algorithms into my projects, and in general, I strive to connect all my designs with nature. Nature is like medicine, but we have to take care of her if we want her to heal us. I study a lot about how to apply sustainable concepts to design and architecture, and I also infuse this knowledge into my team. 😊
You mentioned that you constantly learn by observing the processes inside you. Could you share some of the most significant lessons or insights you have gained through this introspective approach?
Everything passes. Even the fiercest emotion, one that keeps you trapped beyond the notion of time, eventually passes. Just keep breathing.
Another lesson is opening up to people. We are super connected, designed like this; and then, when you open up, magic happens; I cannot tell you here what that magic is... it's personal. 😊
As an advocate for environmentally friendly solutions, what are some practical tips you can offer to create more sustainable and nature-friendly spaces in our daily lives?
Use a HRV (heat recovery ventilation) system to minimize energy loss. Surround yourself with healing materiality – especially wood, which happens to be the most sustainable building material. Create spaces for human connections, not just for object storage. Design small spaces.
Is there any particular mantra or guiding principle that you live by or that has shaped your journey?
Breathe in, breathe out. It all comes down to this, and everything will fall into place.
Your connection with objects and design is evident, but I'm curious to know about your relationship with fashion and jewellery. How would you define the role they play in your life and the significance they hold for you personally?
I adore them. I could spend hours trying on clothes or jewellery, styling myself, creating and recreating new outfits, and modifying old pieces. It’s play for me, and it's a way to express myself beyond rationalizing too much.
Out of The Sense of Beauty gallery's collection, could you share your favourite pieces of jewellery and the reasons behind your admiration for them?
Oh yess, with much pleasure: the Diamond & Pebble Ring and Pearl & Pebble Diamond Gold Ring designed by Dolly Boucoyannis because I adore juxtaposing things, like here pebbles and diamonds. The Beta¹ Thin Bracelet Silver and Beta¹ Choker Silver designed by Ausra Bankauskaite because I find them a bit kinky. And the Mushroom Coral Necklace designed by Raluca Buzura because it reminds me of nature.

Could you provide us with some insights into your upcoming projects? Are there any surprises or exciting endeavors that you are currently preparing for, which you can share with us?
Yes, hopefully, by the end of 2023, we'll be able to finalize the first project of our NGO – INSide social, which is a house for a mother raising seven children. This is the most daring project of 2023! 😊
And then, also in 2023, we will start designing and building the first sustainable-chic residential complex by the Mogosoaia lake.
As for the future, we'll see what it brings. I keep myself receptive.