About art, courage, and uniqueness with Loredana Munteanu

We live in a rush, most of the time looking outside ourselves, but that light, that something we are looking for, that we are missing is inside of us. We just need the courage to see within ourselves, to develop all those unspoken feelings and emotions. Some of us develop themselves in words, some of us in art.

Our today muse and artist is Loredana Munteanu – a unique woman with an inspiring journey. She created a special clothing brand - wear.fior - with white masculine shirts hand painted by her. I have been painting my own clothes for the past 10 years. I have always enjoyed adding different details according to my feelings. She is also the founder of Arta nu mușcă (Art doesn’t bite) – an NGO that wants to bring art and poetry closer to people.

We talked about discovering yourself through art, about her forever sanctuary, about the courage that guided her all this way, about her scholarship in Barcelona, about tango and freedom in life. 

We invite you to have a coffee or a tea with us and discover the universe that Loredana has created.

Who is Loredana Munteanu and what inspires her?

Oh, thank you for asking. Most of the time I believe I know who she is, but sometimes I wonder if it’s only a story I am telling myself to navigate through this life.

I am a free spirit; I have always had the liberty to choose what I want and how to live. It might sound liberating, but many times I have felt lost or not finding my place. On one hand, I might be the result of people I (have) love(d) and spent time with, my experiences, my traumas, passions I pursuit with joy, my work, my lifestyle and on the other hand, I am this river that flows.

I have chosen to live and work in a slow pace, which allows me daily to reflect and to observe different things around me that might bring inspiration that I am not always aware of. I don’t think I am looking for inspiration in the end, but a real purpose. Nature is my forever sanctuary and then art.

Tell us about wear.fior. How and when did the idea come up?

Wear.fior is my canvas, is another way to tell stories through painting on shirts. White masculine shirts. The most simple, sexy and versatile clothing item. I have been painting my own clothes for the past 10 years. I have always enjoyed adding different details according to my feelings.

In June 2020, before a beach trip, I bought new colours and painted a white shirt to take it with me. Well, that shirt made “waves” and some people asked me to paint their shirts too and then it was a word mouth recommendation. My close friends encouraged me to take this direction a bit more seriously and to create an Instagram page.

I did some research, I choose the name and decided to paint only on shirts. The niche part turned to be a very good call. The first four-six months were more about making tests, playing with the fabrics and colours. Step by step this idea turned into a business, in my pace, nothing rushed.

Going back in time to your childhood, what was Loredana dreaming of becoming as an adult? Have you ever dreamed of being an artist?

I grew up without any artistic references, I was shy and focused on being a good student.

I do not remember dreaming of what I would like to become in the future. Future always seemed so far away. The parents never asked me about my future. My perspective started to change when I moved to Bucharest, when I was 19 years old, but it was still confusing, because at the end of my studies, I realised I do not know what I really want, but what I do not want: a job from 9 to 5. It was not for me.

What does art mean to you?

Art helped me to discover myself and other people, to have another type of understanding of life. Art should talk about present times, start from the artist’s truth, and make an impact on people’s mind/heart. Art is a constant reminder of our mortal condition...

It seems like you always discover yourself through art. Can you tell us about your artistic projects - Livrez dragoste (I deliver love) & Arta nu mușcă (Art doesn’t bite)? How did you find each other and how Arta nu mușcă was born?

Arta nu mușcă was first the topic of my master thesis (2012) and then became an NGO focused on cultural projects in public spaces. My aim was/is to connect the large audiences with art, to facilitate culture events where art is not visible or accessible. (Poetry Tram, Classical Music in the subway)

Livrez Dragoste (2015) came up with this idea after a lover sent me a beautiful hand letter to invite me for dinner and I was fascinated. I wanted to recreate this old-fashioned way of communication in present times. I had the chance to write many letters with incredible life stories and the business became a success. In 2019 I have felt is not for me anymore and I decided to exit and pursuit the History of Art Master and to develop new cultural projects.

A few years ago, you went to Barcelona on a scholarship. How was this experience for you, what did you discover and what feelings did the city evoke in you?

It was the highlight of my Master Degree in History of Art (UNARTE, Bucharest). I have always dreamt of living in Barcelona, years before visiting the city for the first time. Let’s say it was love at first vermouth. (smiles)

The experience felt like a long vacation to me. I was going to university four days per week. I had the chance to choose topics I want to study (history of photography, history of classical music, contemporary art, art curating) and to create my own schedule. So, again liberty to do it in my own pace. I was between studying, meeting new people, dancing tango, and discovering the city every day. If a city has a beach, its people are for sure more relaxed and eager to enjoy life and you will find me among them.

I know you have a passion for tango. How would you describe the tango universe, how did you discover it? What is your story that seems to be a love poem?

I was 24 years old when I had my first tango lesson. After two classes I quitted. Tango is about letting go and allowing your partner to guide you. By that age, I wanted to be always in control, so I have easy concluded that tango is not for me. It is funny how life is... After six years, I woke up one morning with the strange feeling that I must return to tango. I took again private lessons, but with a different attitude and I embraced what was it in the moment. It is a dance of maturity, it takes patience, empathy, acceptance. It takes two to tango.

I have noticed your chemistry with simple white shirts. How would you describe your fashion style and how do you harmonize it with jewellery?

I would say simple and classy, and pearls fit with every outfit.

Which painted shirt represents you the best?

The ones with minimal and sensual silhouette on the back.

If you would be a jewellery piece, what would you be and why?

Probably a pearl inside a shell not yet discovered.

What is your relationship with jewellery, and which are your top three favourite jewellery pieces from The Sense of Beauty gallery?

Personally, I do not wear jewellery often, but I own some statement pieces. From The Sense of Beauty gallery, I like Mademoiselle Pogany White Brooch designed by Maria Paltin, Diamond & Pearl Earrings Gold designed by Dolly Boucoyannis, Flamenco Flower Bracelet designed by Theodora D.

I found you a poetic woman. Tell us what is the poem that makes your heart beat faster?

You made me smile while I was thinking of the poem. Every time I need to make a decision The road not taken, by Robert Frost is medicine to me:

 Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,

And sorry I could not travel both

And be one traveller, long I stood

And looked down one as far as I could

To where it bent in the undergrowth;


Then took the other, as just as fair,

And having perhaps the better claim,

Because it was grassy and wanted wear;

Though as for that the passing there

Had worn them really about the same,


And both that morning equally lay

In leaves no step had trodden black.

Oh, I kept the first for another day!

Yet knowing how way leads on to way,

I doubted if I should ever come back.


I shall be telling this with a sigh

Somewhere ages and ages hence:

Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—

I took the one less travelled by,

And that has made all the difference.


About recognition, talent, and bold choices with Cristina Jacob


About simplicity and beauty in life with Irina Morosanu